Monday, July 29, 2013

My Goals

    A goal is something that you hope to achieve. Everyone has their own goal that they want to achieve. Do you have your own goals?I have my own, too. I have 3 goals for 30-day challenge. Those are growing 3cm, improve English, and get green cards or getting no EOP, yellow, red card. To grow 3cm and be healthy, I have to eat less sugar and caffeine. I think sleeping early is a good idea, too. I really need to read lots of English books and try not to make grammar mistakes to improve English. To get green cards and no yellow or red cards, I need to speak English all the time and participate in the class. If you do not have your own goal, make one now! It will be a good idea to think about the steps you need to take, too.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Self Introduction

Hi, everyone! 
Welcome to my blog. I will introduce myself. I am in 6th grade, and I live in Seoul. I have one older brother and he goes to Young Hoon International Middle School. He is now in 8th grade, and he will come to KMLA next week, too. I've heard that he will study math. I love to play with my puppy. He is 5 years old, and I named him Cookie because he really loves eating cookies. I am staying at KMLA during the summer vacation, so I am missing my friends, family, and teachers at school. However, I also like to stay here studying and playing with my new friends. I like to play with my friend, especially chatting and playing dodge ball. I've never lived in another country before. I've just been to Cambodia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Guam, Philippines, China for trip. Thank you for visiting my blog. Don't forget to write comments!
This is a picture of KMLA